Commons:Featured pictures/Fungi
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Order : Agaricales (Gilled Mushrooms)
[edit]Family : Agaricaceae
Schopf-Tintling (Coprinus comatus)-20191017-RM-153349
Agaricus silvaticus
(Scaly Wood Mushroom) -
Chlorophyllum rhacodes
(Shaggy Parasol) -
Coprinus comatus
(Shaggy Ink Caps) -
Cystoderma amianthinum
(Saffron Parasol) -
Lycoperdon perlatum
(Common Puffball) -
Lycoperdon perlatum
(Common Puffball) -
Lycoperdon perlatum
(Common Puffball) -
Lycoperdon perlatum
(Common Puffball) -
Lycoperdon umbrinum
(Umber-brown Puffball) -
Macrolepiota procera
(Parasol Mushroom) -
Macrolepiota procera
(Parasol Mushroom) -
Macrolepiota procera
(Parasol Mushroom) -
Knolparasolzwam (Chlorophyllum rhacodes) 26-10-2020 (d.j.b.)
Knolparasolzwam (Chlorophyllum rhacodes) 06-11-2020 (actm.) 01
Ockerbraune Trichterlinge (Infundibulicybe gibba)-20191017-RM-155028
Knolparasolzwammen. 09-11-2023. (d.j.b)
Family : Amanitaceae
Amanita caesarea
(Caesar’s Mushroom) -
Amanita caesarea
(Caesar’s Mushroom) -
Amanita muscaria var. aureola (Fly Agaric)
Amanita muscaria (Fly Agaric)
Amanita muscaria
(Fly Agaric) -
Amanita muscaria
(Fly Agaric) -
Amanita muscaria
(Fly Agaric) -
Amanita muscaria
(Fly Agaric) -
Amanita muscaria
(Fly Agaric)
Family : Bolbitiaceae
Panaeolus semiovatus var. semiovatus
(Shiny Mottlegill)
Family : Clavariaceae (Coral Fungus)
Clavulinopsis sulcata - Lane Cove River
Clavaria zollingeri
(Violet Coral) -
Hortus Haren 18-10-2021. (actm.) 05
Family : Cortinariaceae
Family : Hydnangiaceae
Laccaria amethystina
(Amethyst Deceiver) -
De Famberhorst 08-11-2021. (d.j.b) 02
Family : Hygrophoraceae
Hygrocybe miniata - Ferndale Park
Gliophorus chromolimoneus - Ferndale Park
Family : Inocybaceae
Wit oorzwammetje s.l. (Crepidotus variabilis s.l.) 06-02-2020. (d.j.b) 02
Wit oorzwammetje s.l. (Crepidotus variabilis s.l.) 12-01-2022. (d.j.b)
Family : Lycoperdaceae
Bruderwald Birnen-Stäubling (Lycoperdon pyriforme)-RM-20191014-01
Commons:Featured picture candidates/Set/Ruitjesbovist (Calvatia utriformis). 18-07-2023. (d.j.b) 03
Commons:Featured picture candidates/Set/Ruitjesbovist (Calvatia utriformis). 18-07-2023. (d.j.b) 03
Family : Marasmiaceae
Family : Mycenaceae
Helmmycena (Mycena galericulata) (d.j.b.) 06
Helmmycena (Mycena galericulata) (d.j.b.) 03
Mycena epipterygia
(Dehnbare Helmling) -
Mycena inclinata
(Clustered Bonnet) -
Mycena interrupta
(Pixie's Parasol) -
Mycena leaiana var. australis
(Orange Mycena) -
Mycena renati
(Beautiful Bonnet) -
Mycena rosea
(Rosy Bonnet) -
Panellus stipticus
(Bitter Oyster)
Family : Omphalotaceae
Family : Physalacriaceae
Flammulina velutipes
(Fluweelpootje) -
Armillaria mellea
(Honey Fungus) -
Fluweelpootje (Flammulina velutipes), 22-11-2023. (d.j.b)
Family : Pleurotaceae
Hohenbuehelia mastrucata (Fr.) Singer 369296
Family : Psathyrellaceae
Coprinellus micaceus, Mica Inkcap, UK
Coprinellus micaceus
(Mica Cap) -
Coprinellus micaceus
(Mica Cap) -
Coprinopsis lagopus-20220513-RM-100643
Mushrooms of Tambov Oblast - 001
Family : Strophariaceae
Pholiota sp.
(unidentified Pholiota) -
Pholiota squarrosa, Shaggy Scalycap, UK
Pholiota sp.
(colony of unidentified Pholiota) -
Pholiota sp.
Pholiota squarrosa
(Shaggy Scalycap) -
Pholiota squarrosa
(Shaggy Scalycap) -
Kuehneromyces mutabilis-20191229-RM-101505
Wald-Kahlkopf (Psilocybe pelliculosa)-20191014-RM-112540
Pappel-Schüppling (Hemipholiota populnea)-20201204-RM-154715
Schneebedeckte Pappel-Schüpplinge (Hemipholiota populnea)-20201204-RM-154343
Strophariaceae 13-11-2022. (d.j.b)
Baumpilz nahe Krimmerswörthsee südlich von Zeil am Main
Family : Tricholomataceae
Nevelzwam (nebularis) tussen afgevallen beukenblad (d.j.b.) 01
Roodbruine schijnridderzwam (Lepista flaccida) (d.j.b.) 02
Clitocybe nebularis
(Nevelzwam) -
Clitocybe nebularis
(Clouded Agaric) -
Clitocybe nebularis
(Clouded Agaric) -
Clitocybe nebularis
(Clouded Agaric) -
Clitocybe nebularis
(Clouded Agaric) -
Clitocybe odora
(Aniseed Toadstool) -
Lepista nuda
(Wood Blewit) -
Lepista nuda
(Wood Blewit) -
Melanoleuca cognata (Spring Cavalier)
Clitocybe nebularis
with deformity on the cap -
Clitocybe nebularis
with deformity on the cap -
Nevelzwam (Clitocybe nebularis) 24-11-2020. (actm.) 01
Nevelzwam ( nebularis) (d.j.b.) 14-12-2023. (d.j.b)
Order : Auriculariales (Jelly fungus)
[edit]Family : incertae sedis
Pseudohydnum gelatinosum
(Toothed Jelly Fungus)
Family : Auriculariaceae
Auricularia auricula-judae
(Jelly Ear) -
Auricularia auricula-judae
(Jelly Ear) -
Auricularia auricula-judae
(Jelly Ear) -
Echt judasoor (Auricularia auricula-judae) op een stam van een vlier. 15-02-2024. (actm.) 15-02-2024. (actm.)
Order : Boletales (Boletes)
[edit]Family : Boletaceae
Boletus erythropus
(Dotted Stem Bolete) -
Boletus erythropus
(Dotted Stem Bolete) -
Boletus impolitus
(Iodine Bolete) -
Boletus luridus
(Lurid Bolete) -
Chalciporus piperatus
(Peppery Bolete) -
Leccinum versipelle
(Orange Birch Bolete) -
Xerocomellus chrysenteron
(Red Cracking Bolete) -
Xerocomus badius
(Bay Bolete) -
Boletaceae sp.
(unidentified Bolete)
Family : Paxillaceae
Paxillus involutus (Brown Roll-rim)
Family : Sclerodermataceae
Dünnschaliger Kartoffelbovist-Scleroderma verrucosum-20191227-RM-154442
Restant van een aardappelbovist (Scleroderma citrinum). 21-01-2023. (d.j.b) 01
Family : Tapinellaceae
Tapinella atrotomentosa
(Velvet Roll-rim)
Order : Cyttariales
[edit]Family : Cyttariaceae
Cyttaria hariotii (Llao Llao)
Order : Dacrymycetales
[edit]Family : Dacrymycetaceae
Calocera viscosa
(Yellow Stagshorn)
Order : Geastrales (Earthstars)
[edit]Family : Geastraceae (Earthstars)
Geastrum saccatum
(Rounded Earthstar) -
Geastrum triplex
(Collared Earthstar)
Order : Gomphales
[edit]Family : Gomphaceae
Order : Helotiales
[edit]Family : Hyaloscyphaceae
Order : Lecanorales
[edit]Family : Cladoniaceae
Cladonia portentosa (Reindeer Lichen) and Hypogymnia physodes
Family : Parmeliaceae
Flavoparmelia caperata
(Common Greenshield Lichen) -
Oakmoss at Myrstigen 3
Family : Rhizocarpaceae
Purons sui ëures de Resciesa te Gherdëina Südtirol
Order : Liceales
[edit]Family : Reticulariaceae
Lycogala epidendrum
(Wolf's Milk)
Order : Pezizales
[edit]Family : Helotiaceae
Chlorociboria sp.
Family : Helvellaceae
Gyromitra infula
(Hooded False Morel)
Family : Morchellaceae
Morchella conica
(Black Morel) -
Morchella elata
(Black Morel) asci and ascospores -
Morchella esculenta
(Common Morel)
Family : Pyronemataceae
Aleuria aurantia
(Orange Peel Fungus)
Family : Sarcoscyphaceae
Sarcoscypha austriaca
(Scarlet Elfcup)
Order : Phallales
[edit]Family : Phallaceae
Aseroe rubra
(Anemone Stinkhorn) -
Área de Proteção Ambiental Quilombos do Médio Ribeira Thomas-Fuhrmann (16) (cropped)
Order : Polyporales
[edit]Family : Fomitopsidaceae
Piptoporus betulinus
(Berkenzwam) -
Piptoporus betulinus
(Fomitopsis betulina) -
Hortus Haren 18-05-2019. (actm.) 03
Versteende berkendoder (Piptoporus betulinus). 12-07-2020 (d.j.b.) 01
Berkenzwam (Piptoporus betulinus) (d.j.b.) 10
Commons:Featured picture candidates/Set/Doolhofzwam (Daedalea quercina) 27-10-2022. (d.j.b) 02
Commons:Featured picture candidates/Set/Doolhofzwam (Daedalea quercina) 27-10-2022. (d.j.b) 02
Family : Meripilaceae
Meripilus giganteus
(Giant Polypore)
Family : Polyporaceae
Trametes versicolor
(Elfenbankje) -
Polyporus squamosus
(Dryad's Saddle) -
Fomes fomentarius
(Tinder Fungus) -
Polyporus squamosus
(Dryad's Saddle) -
Polyporus squamosus
(Dryad's Saddle) -
Laetiporus sulphureus
(Crab-of-the-woods) -
Zunderschwamm (Fomes fomentarius)-20191227-RM-145922
Echte tonderzwam (Fomes fomentarius) 25-12-2020 (actm.) 05
Kleine kaaszwam (Skeletocutis nivea). 07-01-2022. (d.j.b)
Kleine kaaszwam (Skeletocutis nivea). 09-12-2022. (d.j.b
Fomitopsis pinicola 2023 G1
Family : Sparassidaceae
Sparassis crispa (Cauliflower Fungus)
Grote sponszwam (Sparassis crispa). 09-11-2023. (d.j.b)
Order : Russulales
[edit]Family : Russulaceae
Lactarius indigo
(Indigo Milk Cap) -
Lactarius resimus Груздь настоящий
Family : Stereaceae
Stereum hirsutum (False Turkey Tail)
Gele korstzwam (Stereum hirsutum) 30-12-2020 (d.j.b.) 02
Gemeiner Spaltblättling, Schizophyllum commune-20191216-RM-152856
Natuurterrein De Famberhorst 05-12-2021. (d.j.b) 03
Striegeliger Schichtpilz-Stereum hirsutum-20191216-RM-150832
Order : Teloschistales
[edit]Family : Teloschistaceae
Xanthoria parietina
(Common Orange Lichen) -
Xanthoria parietina
(Common Orange Lichen)
Order : Thelephorales
[edit]Family : Bankeraceae
Sarcodon imbricatus
(Shingled Hedgehog)
Family : Thelephoraceae
Thelephora palmata
(Stinking Earthfan)
Order : Tremellales
[edit]Family : Tremellaceae
Gele trilzwam (Tremella mesenterica). (d.j.b.) 04
Goldgelber Zitterling-Tremella mesenterica stack32 -20191227-RM-152807
Gele trilzwam (Tremella mesenterica) op dode tak van een eik 15-01-2021. (actm.) 02
Order : Xylariales
[edit]Family : Xylariaceae
Xylaria hypoxylon
(Candlestick Fungus) -
Xylaria polymorpha
(Dead Man's Fingers)
Mold on bread
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